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Oh Lord, the Virgin born to Thee

Eternal praise and glory be,

whom with the Father we adore,

and the Holy Ghost for even more.

-Venantius Fortunates

“My Kingdom is not of this world.” – Jesus

He does not rule except over pure and unselfish hearts.

He exists where the love of good prevails, whereas individuals who are fascinated by material possessions and are attached to worldly interests, distance themselves from him.

-Allan Kardec

Acceptance is a deceptively simple term.

In learning to accept ourselves on the emotional level, we need to bring a subtlety of attention, a subtlety of mind, to our experience so that we can feel the difficult emotions before we make the movement to push them away or escape into involvement in something else.

-Guy Armstrong

Gandhi's reply when he was asked what he thought of Western civilization:

“I think it would be a good idea.”


Don't say too much and you'll say more of the right things.


Today, we see all the suffering in the world has started from the home.

More and more, we are homeless at home because less and less we are in touch with each other.

-Mother Teresa

Let the children come to me.

Don't keep them back.

The country of our Father belongs to them.

- Jesus

Love will not look for a quid pro quo.


Live every day as if it is the last day of our lives.

“I am awake, I see the sun.

I am going to give my gratitude to the sun and to everything and everyone, because I am alive.

One more day to be myself.”

-Miguel Ruiz

The darkness of the Cross is a promise of light and love, piercing the darkness with a love beyond all failure and betrayal.

- Esther deWaal

I will tell you briefly of the eternal state all scriptures affirm, which can be entered only by those who are self-controlled and free from selfish passions.

- Krishna

Behind our views and opinions, our hopes and fears about what's happening, the dynamic energy of life is always here, unchanged by our reactions of like and dislike.

-Pema Chödrön

And the serpent said “There is a purple stream that runneth under a mountain, and he who drinketh of it shall become immortal even as the gods. Surely no bird or beast can discover that purple stream.”

And the lark answered “If thou willest, thou can become deathless, even as the gods- pity thou canst not sing.”

-Kahlil Gibran

The Wild Swans at Coole

The trees are in their autumn beauty,

The woodland paths are dry,

Under the October twilight, the water

Mirrors a still sky;

Upon the burning waters among the stones

Are nine and fifty swans.

The nineteenth autumn has come upon me

Since I first made my count;

I saw before I had well finished,

all suddenly mount

And scatter wheeling and great broken rings

Upon their clamorous wings.

I have looked upon these brilliant creatures,

and now my heart is sore.

All's changed since I, hearing at twilight,

the first time on this shore,

The bell-beat of their wings above my head,

Trod with a lighter tread.

- William Butler Yeats

Cultivate calm, kindness and resilience.

- the Lions Roar

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