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What secret and intrepid Visitor softly springs the lock of Time?
Our souls rise up from our earth Like Jacob waking from his dream and exclaiming: “Truly God is in this place and I knew it not!”
God becomes the only reality, in whom all other reality takes its proper place - and falls into insignificance. 

- Thomas Merton

When a house is built, an ugly screen and iron bars are put on the windows to protect what is inside from thieves.
Have you ever thought how just the sight of those bars, that screen, makes us uneasy and steals some of our peace and happiness?

- Dali Lama

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
There is really no need for man to have trouble, because if he will only seek God first, the trouble need never come. 

- Emmet Fox


Its vision sweeps its one path like an aged monk raking a garden
His question
long ago answered or moved on.
Far off, night-grazing horses,
breath scented with oat grass and fennel
Step through it, disappear.
Step through it, disappear.

- Jane Hirshfield

The field where the April cuckoo sang has become the milky way:
The firmament turned upside down.
Millions of suns in the heavens are placed beneath my feet,
to gild the grass of this grey earth…
Stars like seraphim
in the splendid azure sky.
Yesterday I saw a daisy.

- Esther deWaal

Whoever among you becomes a child will recognize our Father’s kingdom.

- Jesus

The mind is maya. The veil of delusion.

- Ramona

Wherever you go, whatever you do, you will encounter dukkha, misery.

- Buddha

“Sin” means to miss the mark, to miss the point of human existence.

- Christian

You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you, and allowing that goodness to emerge. 

- Eckart Tolle

Mary shows us with her Motherhood that humility and tenderness are not virtues of the weak but of the strong.

- Pope Francis


You feasted on my carrion -
A meal perfectly prepared for a savage beast
With an appetite only my broken soul could satisfy.

- Allison Theresa

When we neglect prayer, evil can penetrate our hearts. 

- Mother Teresa

A hide is soaked in tanning liquor and becomes leather.
If the tanner did not rub in the acid, the hide would get foul-smelling and rotten.
The soul is a newly skinned hide, bloody and gross.
Work on it with manual discipline, and the bitter tanning acid of grief,
and you’ll become lovely and strong.
Very strong.

- Rumi

Maya - We don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are.

- Ram Dass

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