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If God’s seeds of love would take root in my liberty,

and if his will would grow from my freedom,

I would become the love that he is,

and my harvest would be his glory and my own joy.

- Thomas Merton

A torch is lit by another and burns till it’s burned out;

A fire is kindled by another fire.

A man becomes wise by speaking with other men,

but foolish by keeping to himself.

-Alfred of Rievaulx

God's word is the bread of your pilgrimage.

You ask for this bread

just like the children of the Lord Jesus.

By coming here, you wish to be fed

especially with the bread that fills the mind

more than the stomach

lest you fall behind on the road.

- Matthew 15:32

Eternal God, your eyes are upon all your works, especially intent on your servants.

Turn away from us whatever is hurtful and grant us whatever is advantageous,

that through your favor and under the benign influence of your special Providence

we may securely pass through the transitory dangers and difficulties of this life,

and happily arrive at the eternal joys of the next,

through Christ, our Lord,


- Mother Teresa

This world is a bridge. Do not build your house on it. Be a traveler passing through.

- Jesus

Be therefore perfect, even as your father, which is in heaven is perfect.

- Matthew V

You express your own divinity by being alive and by loving yourself and others.

-Miguel Ruiz

Meditation is an internal discipline to make the mind one-pointed, absolutely concentrated.

-Bhagavad Gita

The path of choosing wisely entails 3 qualities of being human:

natural intelligence,

natural warmth,

and natural openness.

-Pema Chödrön

And let there be no purpose in friendship, save the deepening of the spirit.

- Kahlil Gibran

Twice beautiful is beauty

and what is good is doubly good

when it is a case of two

woolen socks

in winter time.

-Pablo Neruda

Never underestimate the weight of a pebble by its size, it still hurts.

Neither a drop of water by its quantity, it can easily drown you.

Nor an ember from a long dead fire, it will still set a forest ablaze.

Or a simple transgressing crack, which can cause colossal devastation along its path.

Small things are easily overlooked.

Never let them pass you by so easily.

They can have a vast and great turning effect in your life, without you even realizing.

Appreciate the little things too.

- Salman Bharadia

We are the mirror as well as the face in it.

We're tasting the taste of this minute

of eternity. We are pain

and what cures pain, both. We are

the sweet, cold water and the jar that pours.

- Rumi

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